04 Jul

At 17:00 agility training, but it's 28°C warm?

In May at the weekend at noon training for tracking work?

cani.cool PRO is great! Dogs react sensitively to heat and heat. Panting costs a lot of body energy and can be a great strain.

Our light cooling vest PRO contains Bio-PCM cooling elements which constantly emit 21°C. 21°C is the temperature that a dog still finds pleasant. This enables the dog to train without stress and to concentrate fully.

The cooling modules basically work like ice: below 21°C they are solid (0°C for ice), as soon as the ambient temperature rises above 21°C, the PCM becomes soft and slowly liquid, but keeps its temperature of 21°C constant until it is completely liquid.

Unlike the well-known GEL cooling pads, which warm up very quickly, PCM keeps its temperature massively longer and, above all, remains constant. It is the perfect way to cool down your dog.

The PCM modules can be used 100'000 times.

The PCM cooling elements are perfectly suited to provide your dog with quick cooling at all times, e.g. when walking, in training or at home.

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